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September newsletter and horoscope for September 2013


1. Changes on the website

We haven’t been lazy lately and during summer holidays we have been working hard and making a lot of changes on our website. There is harvest time on the fields, and we are beginning to harvest the fruits of our several years of labour as well. During the summer we have completed the English and German versions of our dating agency with their own domains. This is how a dating agency became international. Since September we run own advertising campaign for both language versions in order to give an opportunity to people from all over the world to login to our dating agency. We are pleased that our website is placed on the top positions in search engines. This proves that our website is popular and visited by many people. The number of users and visitors is increased, which means that people who want to meet someone, have a better choice and thus more chance of finding a suitable partner.    

2. “PayPal” and credit card payments

We have completed the changes, which allow our users to pay via PayPal. It is a payment system that is used mainly by foreign visitors to our website. Other payment systems - payment by credit card in the Czech Republic and abroad, the instant payment via mobile phone Mobito or express payment by bank transfer - are afoot. We assume they will be implemented in our website in the coming weeks.

3. Horoscope for September 2013

This September a “big cleaning” will be worth it not only in the house, in your closet or in your desk, but also in your phone or email box. Get rid of anything what you no longer need, what you do not use for a long time or what has no value for you. You need to find the courage and strength for it. But September is a good time for “cleaning up”. Get rid of the real estate which stresses you out and which brings you only unnecessary costs, worries and extra work and no benefits. Buy something new what helps your position, current demands and needs or your total current situation. This year, do not be afraid of changes. September is the month of wisdom, and therefore it is good for investments as well as August. In this month, you have better chance to invest wisely and with views of the great future profit. In September it is also worth to undergo a cleansing cure for a few days. The body has accumulated toxins during the summer and you need to get rid of them. At the same time you will be relaxing and this will contribute to your better health in the next few days. During this period, you have a chance to lose some weight and detox is also beneficial for your skin and mind. For partner or family relationships September can mean that long overdue problems come up and you will have to deal with them. Remember yourself as well. Try to make yourself happy and buy yourself a gift or commend yourself for something. In September do not rely on the fact that someone else gives or commend you for something. You would have been lucky. When you reward yourself, you will make yourself happy and your mood will be improved. In September you should also be wary of various addictions. You must not succumb to them.

Your Tea Heřmánková

Ing. Tea Heřmánková Ph.D.
personal coaching, numerologist, teacher of Ayurvedic techniques for managing the stress stress, increasing energy and vibration