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Last active: 21.07.2017, 10:45
Age: 71 years
Zodiac sign: Aries
Region: Czech Republic / Středočeský kraj
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 72 kg
Figure: medium
Eye colour: brown
Hair colour: blond
Education: university - postgraduate degree
Text of the advertisement: Dobry den, hledam partnera pro zivot, zajima mne skoro vsechno a muzu se zucastnit vetsine aktivit.
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Supplementary data
Interests : tennis, ski, theatre, fitness, yachting, books, dog, music, cooking,
Face: round, medium-sized head,
Eyes: medium-sized, bold,
Nose: normal, straight,
Ears: normal
Lips: medium-sized
Eyebrows: bold
Hair: long, straight,
Smoking: no