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Last active: 22.09.2014, 13:08
Age: 30 years
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Region: Czech Republic / Středočeský kraj
District: Kolín
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Figure: medium
Eye colour: blue-green
Hair colour: black
Education: training institute without graduation
Text of the advertisement: ahoj hledam chlapa ve 25 az 35 let kerej hleda vazne seznameni, kerimu nevadej kerky,pirs,motorky,auta,kamioni. nejlepe kdyby neco z toho mel dik
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Supplementary data
Interests : riding a horse, bike, books, cinema, dog, cat, history, taking photographs, music, Internet, cooking, gardening, breeding, cars, trips,
Marital status: single
Eyes: medium-sized,
Nose: normal,
Ears: normal
Lips: medium-sized
Eyebrows: normal
Hair: thick,
Smoking: yes
Alcohol: moderate drinker
My favourite activities: cars, Internet, television, food, sex, work,